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#SPneighbors Grant Story: St. Benedict's Chapel

With a grant from the South Plains COVID-19 Relief Fund, St. Benedict's Chapel fed 7,371 people in the Lubbock region. During the height of the pandemic, St. Benedict’s Chapel provided COVID-friendly “Grab-n-Go” meals that people could pick up and take home.

Board member Scott Zajicek says, “Many families who were not regulars began coming to St. Benedict's Chapel daily to receive meals.” He tells of a man and his family of four that found themselves in a spot, like many other Americans, they had not been in before. The man described his situation, “both me and my wife got laid off from our jobs due to COVID 19 crisis. We have two kids and one on the way, and we kept praying that God would guide us to figure out what we were going to do. You don't ever think this will happen to you.”

Zajicek explains that while he looks forward to the days when everyone can gather and share a meal together again, “We are grateful that we can continue to feed the many people who otherwise might not eat a meal.” If you would like to donate to the South Plains COVID-19 Relief Fund use the following link:


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