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#SPneighbors Grant Story: Meals on Wheels

The South Plains COVID-16 Response Fund has helped many nonprofits in this region navigate through the uncertainty of this pandemic. One organization that benefitted from funding is Lubbock Meals on Wheels.

Lisa Gilliland says, This funding allowed us to continue to feed more clients and deliver extra items due to increased needs and delivery changes during the pandemic. For almost two months, we sent out additional items in our weekend meals bags as we were no longer able to deliver them weekly. This project allowed us to purchase enough items to continue that program to over 320 clients who would otherwise not have access to or assistance with food over the weekend. We were also able to purchase enough frozen meals to be able to deliver two weeks' worth of meals at a time if needed."

Paul, a Meals on Wheels client who is terminally ill, explained that the meals provided by this organization are the only meals he eats because he does not have much of an appetite due to his illness.

Delivering meals to the elderly, the most at-risk population to COVID-19, has been crucial to not only their nutrition but also their mental health as some may not have had any other human interaction outside Meals on Wheels volunteers. A client wrote, "I very much appreciate every volunteer. I feel that I have made friends with those who come regularly. I know that the virus has made things difficult for some of them & yet I have not missed a meal. Thanks to everyone who cares enough to do this."

Lubbock Meals on Wheels, and others like it, are the reason the Response Fund was established and why donations to this fund continue to be so important.

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