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#SPneighbors Grant Story: Family Promise of Lubbock

Family Promise, through the help of the South Plains COVID-19 Relief Fund, was able to continue providing three meals a day to those in their shelter. The organization says that with the funds they were also able “to help families maintain their housing, keep their children fed, obtain free diapers and formula, and provided them with back-to-school essentials.”

Family Promise of Lubbock, with the help of this grant and their Loving Arms program, assisted 100 parents and 140 children under the age of 36 months with essential baby items. The organization held their first diaper drive-thru in June and are planning on making it a quarterly event.

A Family Promise Representative states, “The South Plains COVID-19 Response fund enabled Family Promise of Lubbock to help our most vulnerable population in Lubbock.” If you feel led to give to the South Plains COVID-19 Relief Fund, click the link below:


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