#SPneighbors Grant Story: Salvation Army
Through the help of the South Plains COVID-19 Response Fund, the Salvation Army was able to help those impacted by the pandemic. Kimberley Leub explains how the funds were used, “Families affected by COVID-19 were provided with fuel cards, back to school assistance, rent and utility assistance in order to prevent homelessness and meet basic needs.”
Partnering with Walmart and the National Charity League, the Salvation Army hosted an event where children were able to shop for school supplies at various booths set up to fill up their backpacks. Leub says, “The children and families were so thankful and expressed how this assistance ‘took a little stress off of them’ during this time of reduced hours, layoffs and job loss.”
This grant allowed the Salvation Army to provide back to school assistance for 240 students, rent assistance for 63 people, 40 families with fuel cards, and paid 30 utility bills. These funds helped 673 people struggling as a result of COVID-19. If you would like to give to the South Plains COVID-19 Relief Fund, click the following link: https://cfwtx.salsalabs.org/spneighbors/index.html.
