Nearly $30,000 awarded to Mini-Grants for Teachers this year
The Community Foundation of West Texas is pleased to announce the awarding of Mini-Grants for Teachers totaling nearly $30,000.00 to South Plains Area elementary and secondary school teachers for the implementation of creative classroom projects during the 2016 – 2017 school year. This year the Community Foundation of West Texas received 75 requests for funding through this project and funded 42 requests. These projects will provide exceptional educational opportunities for more than 4,000 students.

Congratulations to the 2016/2017 Mini-Grants for Teachers awardees who were recognized at a reception on August 17, 2016 at the Science Spectrum.
Mini-Grants for Teachers is a program that recognizes the commitment of great teachers and awards grants of up to $1000 for creative classroom projects that will enrich their curriculum. This is the seventeenth year of the program. All K-12 teachers who teach in an accredited school within the South Plains area are eligible to apply in June of each year. Funding for the 2016 mini grants was provided by the South Plains Foundation, Parkhill, Smith & Cooper, W.B. & Mozelle Rushing Fund, and Mrs. Daylia Vaughan.
Since 1997, the Mini-Grants for Teachers program has awarded 516 grants to 498 teachers in 120 schools in 19 school districts. Mini-Grants totaling over $382,000.00 have provided enriching academic experiences for thousands of students and have provided a means for recognizing and rewarding the efforts of outstanding teachers in the South Plains region.
In addition to offering assistance to teachers through the Mini-Grants for Teachers Program, the Community Foundation of West Texas currently administers over one hundred ninety (190) endowments with assets exceeding $37 million. Hundreds of grants and scholarships are awarded each year to address community needs in the areas of arts and culture, civic and community, education, social services and health and human services. The Community Foundation of West Texas exists to help people who care about the Lubbock and the South Plains area to invest – at any level – in its future.
Listed below are the teachers, their schools and the project funded this year.
Manda Lozano Sharp Academy Dyslexia Friendly/Social Emotional Classroom Library
Edie Hagler O’Donnell Elementary Eagle Robotics
Ollie Hart Abernathy Elementary Classroom Robotics
Tara Lehman New Home ISD Clay Works II
Melissa Arney Honey Elementary Chrometastic Storytelling
Patty White Highland Elementary The Sounds of Reading
Jill Reep Ropes Elementary Dash into Robotics
Raeline Reece Post Elementary School Math Intervention
Pat Hightower Spur Elementary In Perfect Harmony
Tanya Carder Frenship ISD Engineering Chaos
Tammy Norris Trinity Christian Elementary School Classroom Instruments
Amanda Sutterfield Plainview Christian Academy Math Stations with Reading Integration
Kelsey Launer Upland Heights/Frenship ISD Read, Read, READ!
Jill Brown Plainview Christian Academy Wonderful Wacky Words
Candace Cameron All Saints Episcopal School Make Music Come Alive with Movement
LJ Bernhard Upland Heights Love to Read about Math
Kerry Johnston Lubbock-Cooper North Elementary Learning Readiness Program
Sharla Methvin Levelland Christian School Every Child is an Artist
Vicki Sellers Crosbyton Middle School Dynamic Duos: Pairing Middle/Elem Level Learners as Investigators/Writers
Jamie Moerbe Plainview Christian Academy Science is a Snap
Cindy Thoms Levelland Christian School Reading = Knowledge
Alli Richards Upland Heights/Frenship ISD Classroom Library
Desta Mason Post Elementary School Techy Literacy for Kids
Tiffany Smith All Saints Episcopal School Mathematical Mission
Allison Martinez Levelland Christian School Moving to Learn
Crystal Osborn Post Elementary School Innovative Intervention
Ida Cisneros Frenship Middle School Literature Circles
Gayle Quigley Plainview Christian Academy Let’s get K’nex-ted to Physics!
Sara Hanoch Ash High School Read Out Loud!
Jonathan Townsend Whiteface High School Pre-Engineering Class Materials
Curtis Ford Trinity Christian School Student Response System
Lauren Jones Sharp Academy Take Flight Dyslexica Therapy Materials
Jim Bob Hambright Estacado Middle School – Plainview Who’s First
Rose Ikemba Sharp Academy Plan B: Fit and Fun
Jamie Roe Sharp Academy Don’t Stress, It’s Science
TBD Sharp Academy Math U See
Kelly Beasley All Saints High School Making AP Statistics Fun!
Rhonda Smith Kingdom Preparatory Academy Bullets and Bugs – Learning Forensic Science through Investigations
Sandy Carr Lorenzo ISD Growing through Gardening
Raymond Cortez Sharp Academy Engage and Encounter Spanish
Jon Mark Hester Plainview Christian High School Banditos
Julie Goodloe Coronado HS Communion Project